
Drama/Action, Germany/Japan 2019

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JAM is a black-humored comedy in the classic SABU style: three stories woven together into a brilliant and hilarious finale. SABU uses familiar yet surprising stylistic devices and lets the three lives of his ignorant protagonists race towards each other like express trains. Not without endowing each of them with a great deal of sympathy, respect and a smile. Hiroshi is a pop singer and especially popular with middle-aged ladies. After a concert, he is kidnapped by 55-year-old Masako. Tied to her bed, Hiroshi must agree to write a song for her. Otherwise, she will not let him go. A quickly improvised melody moves his fan to tears and Hiroshi is free again. When Masako waits impatiently in the audience for her song at his next performance and Hiroshi simply doesn't sing it, she is paralyzed. Until someone loudly shouts "mugging!!!"... Takeru earns his living as a chauffeur. His girlfriend Misaki is seriously ill and dying. Takeru firmly believes what a fortune teller told him: "Do a few good deeds every day and your girlfriend will be cured." At a restaurant, he observes a group of discussing punks who seem to be in desperate need of a driver. Without further ado, he offers his help to their leader Tamaki. He has no idea that the men are planning a robbery. Their target: a rich middle-aged lady who is a big Hiroshi fan... Tetsuo is freshly released from prison. When he visits his punk buddy Tamaki, the latter greets him with a punch. Enraged, Tetsuo goes after Tamaki with a hammer - the revenge succeeds. He then visits his grandmother. The 90-year-old suffers from Alzheimer's and insists on seeing her long-dead husband. Perplexed, Tetsuo puts the old woman in a wheelchair and pushes her through the city without a plan or destination. Until he notices that Tamaki and his punks are hot on his heels...
102 min
FSK 16
Audio language:

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Sound Design:

Manuel Laval


Sho Aoyagi (Hiroshi)

Keita Machida (Takeru)

Nobuyuki Suzuki (Tetsuo)

Masayasu Yagi (Kaneshiro)

Hayato Onozuka (Takiguchi)

Kanta Sato (Leslie)

Original language:



2.39:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16

Audio language:


